Episode 14

Published on:

11th Jul 2023

Surrounding Yourself with Excellence with Maximilien Notter

Surrounding yourself with excellence can be a fast track to success. Whether you’re working within a high-performing team, or you’re able to find the right mentor, that excellence tends to wear off on you.

In this episode, I speak with, Maximilien Notter, who has been a Co-CEO at HUMANOO since August 2020. HUMANOO is Europe’s leader in corporate wellbeing and we discover Max’s journey towards becoming its Co-CEO, and how he made the most out of his experiences.

Max shares his feelings when he found out he was going to be the Co-CEO. He gives us insights into how to prepare for a leadership position and the unexpected challenges he faced. Max sees himself as a ‘servant leader’ and we learn what this means to him and how it can benefit teams. 

He also shares with us the story of his first day as Co-CEO, and the insight that he realised about communication on that first day. Finally, we speak about motivation as a leader, and Max shares his insights into self-investment, which in turn, elevates his teams.

In this episode, we cover -

  • What made Max who he is today?
  • What’s the alternative for those who cannot put themselves in a position where they’re surrounded by excellence?
  • What does it mean to be a servant leader?
  • Preparing to start a leadership position.
  • What Max didn’t expect when he went for his Co-CEO position.
  • The motivating effects of leading a company that does good.
  • How a business can be impacted by the appointment of a new CEO.
  • The importance of leaders investing in their own motivation and resilience.


HUMANOO - https://www.humanoo.com/

Mont Ford - https://montfordrecruitment.com/

Mont Ford on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/mont-ford-recruitment/


Maximilien on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/maxnotter/

Jordan on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordanluxford/


Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/1BbzuvWRR4TcU9IN0IG74C

YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@startupstoriespodcast

Captivate - https://startup-stories.captivate.fm

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About the Podcast

Startup Stories
We dive deep into what life is really like inside a Startup
Startup Stories is a podcast where we dive deep into what life is like inside a Startup, we find out what led the guest to entrepreneurship and why they think the way they do.

We tackle the highs and lows, and ultimately, what it takes to thrive when you have all the odds stacked against you.

We also learn about their company, what they're doing and how to overcome the hurdle of turning your idea into a reality.

My name is Jordan Luxford, founder of Mont Ford, a Tech recruitment agency in Berlin. This podcast was born because I believe there is something magical about a startup story and I hope that this podcast may encourage you one day to turn your idea into a reality

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Jordan Luxford